Data Integration
Data Integration (DI), sounds simple but it in reality it is the most complicated discipline. Data Integration allows you to integrate disparate data sources into a single coherent framework, for real-time reporting and detailed analysis in your organization. A good Data Integration system would let the departments within organizations view information from various disparate sources in a unified way for their business analysis.
Our Pro's in this area does::
- Gathering business requirements
- Determining data and quality needs
- Data profiling or understanding data sources and associated quality both in the source system and across multiple source systems, if applicable
- Defining the gap between what data is available and its quality versus what the business has requested
- Revising business expectations or project costs and determining the selected data solution
- Modeling the data stores necessary - staging areas, data warehouse, operational data store and data mart(s) - both from a logical perspective (to confirm business requirements) and a physical perspective (to enable implementation)
- Define the ETL architecture and the strategy
- Develop the ETL process
- Test and support the Data Integration environments